I posted my blog yesterday, on my birthday and thought . . . 2 more to go....2 more days till i finish my 77 Blog commitment....2 more days till the 1 September [which in South Africa is the first day of Spring.] So I paused and counted my blogs from my day of commitment and realized that yesterday's blog was number 77!
yup! 77 done and dusted. . . .somehow i finished early. . . and ironically [or not] on my birthday. . . It seems that a lot of things are early at the moment. Summer seems to have come early. . . even if it is just for a week. We have all been anticipating spring tomorrow, but summer seemed to knock on our door unexpectedly.
Last week we had a few days that were a maximum of 60.8F/16C and as cold as 46.6F/8C and we had our "warm" days that reach 75.2F/24C and dropped to about 60.8F/16C at night....the last few days has been summer weather....yesterday some parts of Durban already were at 91.4F/33C....and its predicted to be hotter today as well....the week before there was an icey chill in the wind and I still wore a scarf....this week I switched on the airconditioner at work....it just flipped, in an instant....and very early in the season....
We are still hoping for an actual spring...mild temperature and some rain....but yesterday was a definite declaration in the weather that winter was done and dusted. kind of nice that it chose to do that on my birthday. Maybe it is more than a co-incidence....
So things are earlier than expected. . . much earlier....I have thoroughly enjoyed writing 77 in a row....there obviously have been the days where i hated it and questioned my sanity....there were also days where i hit a blank and had to dig really deep to come up with something. there were days when i was sick and tired and didnt want to be bothered....but i did it anyway. . . even when i was away i wrote in a journal and reposted when i got back....it has been a difficult and wondrous way to bring more discipline to my writing. . .
Thank you for hanging in there with me. . . this is not the end.... i might not be posting daily...but the blogs will keep coming.
Thank you taking us on your incredible journey. It has been absolutely fascinating and humbling to share your insights, experiences, joys and disappointments. Above all you gave us reassurance that truly God loves us and looks after us, even though we often don't deserve it. Thank you for your teaching; from an old man who has learned so much in 77 days from such a young disciple. Jesus is indeed my Saviour!