Friday, August 19, 2016

Life sucks and then you die

Have any of you heard the expression I quoted in my title. . . there are variations on this expression, but some are little distasteful to quote. But lets be honest, few [if any] have had a life that is a bed of [thorn-less] roses. And most [if not all] of us, have had moments of complete and absolute devastation/discouragement/tragedy/grief.

Somehow I tend to find today's Christians [in general] try avoid grief at all costs. You get those who are so caught up in prosperity = happiness, that there is no room in their equation for grief/mourning/suffering. They think this is contrary to God's will. But how can we prosper in faith without suffering? How can we develope hope without suffering? and perseverance and character? in the need for our "happy" christian life, we are in essence stunting our spiritual growth. I am all for prosperity like the next person.... but in 1 John 3 it says that we should prosper and be in good health, as our soul prospers. Your soul needs a bit of persecution and struggle and hurt and suffering to grow and prosper....I KNOW IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! But God is not into package deals, where you can pick and choose what you want. He has tailor made a package for you, as an individual, and all ingredients included are [ultimately] for your good, even if you dont get it at first... or if it seems contrary. Just remember you are still alive, so the end has not yet come...and only the other side of eternity will it all make sense and then we will know, even as we are fully known. [for now we see in part 1 Cor 13].

God's priority is you and the best for you, even if it means having to take bad situations and turn them for your good. i encourage you to go and read Romans 5:3-4....God's way here seems contrary to our way. We want good to happen to grow our faith and rebuild our broken hope.... He seems to think persevering in trials will grow our hope....its interesting, isn't it?

I also find that another sector of modern christians want to slap a quick fix on your hurt, tell you to pull yourself together and get on with it. i sometimes refer to this as band aid christianity. We are all for the quick fix, the 10 mins praying in tongues a day or 15 minutes worship a day...or shout in worship or go for a prayer session etc etc....there is merit in these things, because God's principles are true...but sometimes we use them to cut our mourning short, or to cover the wound and act like its healed. its a form of denial but under a religious cloak.

You can't persevere if you are applying a quick fix. And also if you run to the quick fix, the principle, like a non christian might run to a vice....then how will you ever experience God as comforter? He promises to be close to the broken heart, and to comfort those who mourn. He is the Father of all comfort. And how will you develop perserverance and character and HOPE....if you quick fix it?

I think we are scared of the hurt/mourning/grief tragedy because often it brings about questions we cant answer, and because the intensity of the emotion is scarey....we like the happy version of christianity - its just sadly unrealisitic. ...But take heart because Jesus himself was a man of suffering. Not just one who suffered lots, but He was acquanited with suffering.... almost like it was a close for all those wanting a pain-free christian are reading the wrong bible.

Isaiah 53:3

He was despised and rejected—
    a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief.

So take heart....Jesus understands your pain, more than anyone else....and yes take heart because life does sometimes suck....but then you will die, and as christian's how glorious is death....finally in eternal paradise without suffering.

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