Monday, August 22, 2016

Don't Cast Away Hope - 2

So apparently Hope is in my heart and on my brain....not a bad topic to have buzzing around my neurons. I know the pain of not having hope. For whatever reason. . . whether it be a continuous situation eroding at your soul or whether it be that moment of finality when a loved one is no longer with you and the Hope of them breathing another breath in this world is gone.

We all have the scars of suffering etched into our existence. no life is untouched. But that is why Hope is such a powerful force. Proverbs says that Hope deferred makes a heart grow sick but longing fulfilled is a tree of life....not a TREE.... not a bunch of flowers that you enjoy for a day or two and they wilt...but a TREE - something that is strong and sturdy and capabale of withstanding storms, and droughts. Something that can provide and produce fruit and also flowers to be enjoyed..... Hope can grow into this tree.

The problem is, in the midst of the storm we often get so scared that we life up our anchor of Hope. We think that we would be better off if we could only sail out of the storm but some storms we are meant to ride out. Some storms are too big and impossible to sail out of anyway. But in lifting that anchor all we do is end up smashed against the rocks and destroyed. I know the storms, I know how overwhelming they are. . . but you have to sit tight....don't pull up that anchor of hope.

Some people are anchored in the bay of isolation. . . they are desperate to reach the shore, civilization. They are tired of waiting for the row boat from shore to help them get there but there are sharks circling below. [yes lets be a little dramatic today].... but too many lift the anchor of Hope, wanting to drift to the shore, desperate for that reconnect....tired of the trial and pain of isolation....but unfortunately it usually has the reverse effect and the current sets them adrift, far out to see with no hope in sight.

Please, no matter how dark or lonely or overwhelming or painful it is.... Please don't lift your anchor....please dont cast away Hope. Please push through, even when all hope seems gone, if you push through and persevere and hang in there, you will find that hope again and it would have grown into a full tree.....producing life for you....please do not cast away hope.

And not just hope, as we all know it and need it....but for those who are christians....there is a greater hope that we have because of WHO Christ is and His love for us.... please don't ever ever cast away your Hope in matter how bad, now matter how much hope you have lost in people/the world or situations ....don't ever loose your eternal hope....for it is the one true anchor for your soul.

Hebrews 6:19
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

and finally my prayer for all of us, including myself today.

Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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