Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Separation Anxiety Disorder....or CAT syndrome

I know that I sound like the stereotypical spinster....older, single and owns a cat. . . thankfully just one cat so far. truthfully I don't think my cat will survive me bringing another one home. He loves being the center of my attention.

So it was weird to go away and leave my cat behind. I am kind of attached to him. What was good to hear was that he struggled without me. [cruel I know, but he loves me....he really loves me.] I had someone stay in my house while I was gone and my cat gave her endless trouble. The first night I was gone my cat kept her awake demanding attention and love till 4am....OOPS!

Apparently he was purring and needing at her. even biting her head. Just constantly demanding attention because i wasnt there. the second night apparently was similar to the first. Since I have been home, my cat has not left me alone. He follows me like a shadow, even turns away from food if i dare to leave the room. its a bit crazy. He constantly wants on my lap. Every time he hears my voice, even if he is asleep on my lap, he stars purring contentedly. its hilarious. This cat definitely struggled very badly with separation anxiety.

As selfish as it sounds, it is good to be loved, even by an animal. it does the heart well.  But what amazes me still is how animals, even wild animals have the ability to bond and get attached to each other, and to humans....its kind of clever how God made them, isn't it?

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