Saturday, September 3, 2016

Lost The Plot

Last night I watched an epic movie. . . Epic as in the genre, not as in, "Dude, that movie was Eh-Pic!". Truthfully the second statement does apply, in my opinion at least because even though it is a seriously old movie, it is a truly awesome one. One that I have watched over and over again.

It's your typical EPIC movie, with the main character on a journey/quest interwoven with radical events, quirky characters, villainous villains and dramatic ups and downs. Of course it has a victim that needs protection so that they can flourish and rise up to conquer the evil that is destroying the land. The hero/ine will do well, then loose or endanger the victim and then rise up and conquer again. It is your basic epic story. So it is rare to get one so well written that it keeps you hanging on even when you know the plot.... but this one does....sheer brilliance.

Have you noticed that in Epic movies its never just a village in threat,I don't know if you have noticed this....its always the entire land, or even the entire earth. There is also always the person who looks like a scoundrel/scalawag/thief/non-good guy who proves us wrong and rises up to fight with the hero.

Have you also noticed that any "enemy" put into exile always escapes or gets released by someone...ALWAYS. in the beginning if the evil is in exile, they will find a way out. without fail, and then rule and conquer. If the good enemy of the evil is in exile, they will be rescued/released or fight their way out and come back and help conquer the evil one.

This makes me think that exile is not enough! if you exile evil or sin [or harmful things] from your life, and think it will remain locked down and hidden for the rest of your days, you are mistaken. . . it will rise up and get free and run rampant need to destroy it completely.

The good news in reverse is this, when you feel exiled. . . trapped and down and is not forever. Your Kinsman Reedemer is close at hand to help get you out of the predicament. hang in there.

Something else that stood out to me, which i honestly have seen this movie more than ten times without noticing. The plot is not always what we think it is. And this is so true of life. As I said I was watching this movie, typical epic movie where the hero saves the victim and the victim is the key to overthrowing the evil one....complete with battles and sword fights  and danger. . . And you watch and you think that is the plot.

You get so caught up in the story line that you sometimes miss out on the fact that it is just the story line a part of the plot or perhaps even the subplot. The hero in this movie was a small in stature, insecure, fearful person. If he were a puppy he would be the runt. Everyone mocked and teased him. At one point, just before he sets out on the epic journey of saving the princess, a wise leader in the village calls him aside and encourages him to believe in himself. He also encourages him that this journey will help him become who he is meant to be. . . this is the true plot.

The journey is truthfully the subplot, without it this man would not become the man he is created to be. Yes the journey seems overwhelming and larger than life and seems to take center stage. . . but its not the main plot, its just an exceptionally well written subplot. The emotions you feel watching the small man rise up into fullness and gain bravery and confidence etc, that is always underlying in each scene because it is the main plot.

Life, destiny, identity and opportunity are weighing heavy on my heart this week. But I think truthfully many of us confuse these things. I will write more on this soon. But I honestly think we get so caught up in the subplot, that we loose the plot.

Life is about discovering God, a deep intimate relationship with Him, and discovery who we are created to be. Circumstances come to buffer us, reveal what we are not or shape us. .. . circumstances are not the main plot, they are just a well written story line to enable the plot to be fulfilled. So take a moment of reflection today and check whether you are on track in your life's journey or whether you have lost the plot.

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