Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Power of ONE voice

I was thinking about John the Baptist recently. It suddenly occurred to me that in the natural he should not have had any influence or power or attraction.

Think about it. . .
- dirty, unwashed unkept prophet
- speaking an unpopular message [in that day]
- Eating a strange diet of insects
- Living in the wilderness.

Now does that sound attractive to anyone????

Anyone at all???

And yet people came in their droves to hear him speak. People wanted to not only be baptized by him but some even became his disciples.

He was the one chosen as the forerunner, the praise sinner, the proclaimer preparing the road for Christ.

Imagine being called, now this is pure poetic licence here, as we don't read much about him being called of God. But imagine God saying to him [fictionally] "You will be a prophet that not only turns the heart of the people back to me, angers rulers and kings, but also prepares the way of the now go to the wilderness and start your mission."

The wilderness, where its hot and dusty and no one lives?


But yes that was what happened. But yet this one man, this one voice, alone in a wilderness in obedience was so anointed that it drew crowds to him, despite his appearance and the harsh conditions. And yes it angers the religious leaders and kings. But it didnt just anger the kings, it made them fear his influence.

Sometimes what we look like, and where we are situated is not important. If we are called, God is bigger than the other factors, we just have to obey and let our voice be heard speaking His truth in love.

Don't underestimate our God and what He can do in and through you. Don't let anyone silence your voice.

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