"Family and Fish, after 3 days both smell the same."
I know. How random and disgusting is that?
But in context it was true. [obviously not literally about my family].
What he was in essence speaking about was boundaries in different relationships and settings. For eg making sure to keep a healthy and respectful boundary with your boss. Remembering that first and foremost, in the work place, your Boss is your Boss and not your buddy. it was a very interesting and enlightening talk. It really stressed the importance of boundaries because familiarity breeds contempt.
This is an area that God is restoring and challenging me a lot in, over the last two or three years. I realised how vital it is to spiritual health and growth, as well as emotional.mental and physical well being. A lot of our wounds and hurts are caused because of bad boundaries.
He touched on the family unit, work unit and church unit, and how all 3 are different to a friendship unit. It is interesting because not only am I being challenged in the area of boundaries, but I am also questioning whether I have been doing church wrong all these years.
Please read exactly what i wrote, and dont read into what i wrote.. . there is no behind the lines there. I am not questioning my faith in God and WHO He is. I am not questioning a specific church, i am questioning how i have done church. If i have expected it to fulfill roles it wasnt meant to etc. But its hard to dissect because i have done the church thing this way for most of my christian walk, so that is almost 23 years. . . its a difficult to stop and challenge what you have always done and question what is biblical and what isnt. . .. it's possibly something I will write more and more on as i continue to blog. . .
But i do believe that we need to walk in wisdom and discernment. God is a God of order and a God of boundaries, not just with nature when He put laws and boundaries in place, but also in terms of his relationship with mankind. We need to not only respect that but also apply it...so that we don't start to let things get stinky and rotten.
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