Wednesday, July 20, 2016

and your response will be.....?!?

Have you ever read a scripture more times than you can count, plus heard a million stories and sermons on it, and then one day, you read it and you go, "Huh, never noticed that before."

Today was one of those days. Now I am sure a million people have seen this before me, because it is glaringly obvious and not hidden in anyway. But somehow getting caught in the other details of the story made me overlook this.

I was reading the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. and I came across verse 15. I will put into italics what suddenly dawned on me.

He gave five talents to one slave, two to the next, and then one talent to the last slave—each according to his ability. Then the man left.

Do you see that? In this parable it is clearly noted that each of the 3 servants were ONLY given what they could handle, according to their ability. The Ruler/King was not unjust or unfair. He did not give them more than they could handle and then chastise them when they didn't produce. On the contrary! It is like he examined each one as an individual, determined their ability and decided, "if i give them this, i know they will be able to do something with it. And if they are faithful with their ability then i can reward them. WIN WIN situation."

It is like the ruler's intention was to reward and increase, not punish and chastise. Like His entire purpose in this wasn't to increase His own gain, but the gain and responsibility of the servants because HE knew what they were capable of and wanted the best and more for each one.

Perhaps that is why the response to the one who hid the money is so strong. Not because He hadn't increased the talent, but maybe [poetic interpretation] because he had doubted his own ability and the master's intentions? not saying it is doctrine, just a thought and an opinion. The master didn't seem short on wealth, especially not if he was handing it to servants to look after. So there had to be more to the reaction than lack of increase. He also wasn't moved by the servant's excuse or reason.

That servant had every chance and opportunity to increase and grow. The master wasn't unfair or harsh, as the servant had misjudged, on the contrary the master had given them only what they needed to succeed. But the servant out of laziness or fear or insecurity or [insert any other excuse] drew back and didn't even try.

its so illogical. it is like that lazy servant walked away from a guaranteed win "just in case". So now take a moment, look at your life, at what God has given you? what God has called you to? We all struggle from time to time. . . but know this, He has given it to you because HE KNOWS THAT YOU CAN DO IT! He is fully convinced and has entrusted this to you. [whatever this may be, your job/ministry/partner/kids/talent etc].

So what is your response? because the only thing that was different amongst the 3 servants, wasn't the master but the servant's response. the difference between failure and success was obedience and disobedience.  The servants decision about what they would do with what God entrusted to them. Stop listening to the voice of doubt, instead listen to the ONE who has faith in you.

so what will your response be? for your response will determine your outcome.

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