Let me tell you how my Day goes, grumble my way out of beD, jealous of the cat who is still curlDeD up asleep. Stumble to make some coffee. Dilly Dally and Delay getting reaDy, until I am forceD to rush or else I will be late. Try remain calm as i Drive among Disrespectful Dorks. Get to work, and get into the groove of things. 11:45am my stomach reminds me that lunch will soon be serveD, anD my energy levels are slowly Decreasing. Munch Munch Munch. That was gooD lunch. Energy Spikes. I stretch, notice my neck is tense, and Declare "I must Do some stretching when I get home. Yeah. I am Definitely going to put in a pilates session." The Day progresses, I hit the afternoon slump, usually perked slightly by a cuppa coffee. By the time I get home, the only stretching that occurs is my boDy across the couch, as i zone out, minDlessly watching tv.
SounDs riveting Doesn't it? So not every Day is like this, but many Days Do resemble this format. What I Don't unDerstanD about myself is why i grumble in the mornings, firstly i Do get enough sleep. seconDly i actually really enjoy my job. It's like an inbuilt mechanism, or perhaps....habit?
You see, a lot of us have many Desires, Dreams, iDeas or goals. We can DayDream endlessly about these things, but seldom see them come to fruition. We might even enter into Debates and Discussions or go as far as Drafting a plan. But Do we ever take action?
Most of the time it Doesnt progress further because too many of us are scared of or Dislike that DreaDeD "D" word.
It's almost worse than those 4 letter worDs that mom useD to wash my mouth out with soap if I saiD them.
but honestly, many things in life are achievable, yes, of course with Christ, but also with a bit of Discipline. Many people without Christ are achieving great things. And many Christians are sitting with nothing but Dreams because they are still waiting for Christ to Do it for them. He has given you a WILL to use, and make Decisions and be Disciplined. He will work in and through you, ie you also got a role.
And no, it wont be easy. And yes it takes perseverance. I can honestly say there are countless times, in my commitment to write 77 Blogs in a row, that i have wanteD to miss a Day because I am tireD or sick or can't think up a topic. But if i want to grow in my writing, to fulfill the Dream of one Day publishing a book, then I neeD more than just gifting and annointing, I also neeD a bit of Disipline. I neeD to be faithful with what GoD has given me.
Not easy, but Doable.
Again it Doesn't have to start out with a big impossible commitment, set a small goal, and start applying a little Discipline into your life, and take that first step on the roaD towards your Dream.
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