Friday, July 8, 2016

It is well with my soul

It was a long day at work today. I got home, tired, and incredibly glad it was weekend. My normal on a day like this, would be to grab some easy food and flop on the couch and vege out in front of something to watch. Recently I have been trying something new, changing my habits.

There are still the odd days I will curl up on a couch and chill, but then it is a choice to enjoy a movie or series, as opposed to zoning out habitually. Instead I am taking those moments to do something creative, write, crochet, work on a project or doodle. So tonight I came home, made a nice warm drink, sat down at my art table and doodled.

I am really enjoying exploring ink, and I felt more relaxed afterwards. It reminded me of a sermon I heard many many years ago. The preacher was speaking about how we are not just body, nor are we just spirit, nor are we just soul [mind, will, emotions]. . . that all 3 are connected.

They were so that as Christians we are usually very good at tending to our spiritual side, but not that good at tending to the physical side. Some do tend to the physical side. . . but heed the scriptures and don't get obsessed with this side of life....

1 Timothy 4:8

Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come

But how many of us truly take care of our souls? We often do only if there is a wound or sin, but in general do we make time to do something we enjoy? something that feeds the soul?

If all 3 areas are linked, that means if one area is weak or sick or injured or neglected it will eventually have a negative effect in the other two areas. Perhaps that is partly why God created us to be creative and relational, because that ministers to the soul? I am just taking a guess at that.

Even non Christians and science have noticed a link between illness in the physical body and our emotional state. Often a symptom of a chronic or fatal illness is depression, because as the body suffers it wears down the soul. Same as often if a hurt or trauma or stress etc are evident in our souls for too long it causes a chemical shift in our physical brain that leads to a depression or anxiety that needs to be treated with medication.  There are countless bad effects of stress on us, that are documented and evident. Same as eating badly will have a bad effect on our physical bodies but that in turn will be linked back to our emotions, where it be comfort eating because of an emotional wound, or starving ourselves because of self-hatred and other "soul  wounds". It is obvious how intertwined it is.

So why do we pay attention to our spirit and bodies but neglect our souls. i encourage you to do something for your soul this weekend. Garden. Take a walk on the beach. Cook. Spend time with someone that encourages you. Listen to your favorite band. Exercise. Doodle. Whatever it is that ministers to your soul . . . go ahead and enjoy a moment this weekend. And make a decision from here on out, to take care, and be a faithful steward, of ALL areas of your life, not just the obvious ones....So that all areas may be in good health.

3 John :2 [AMP]

Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]

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