Friday, July 1, 2016

dreams + death = multiplication ?!?!?!?!?!

I know that the equation in my subject line a] isn't mathematical. and b] doesn't make sense.

I remember a while ago, way back in either 2002 or 2003 I heard a sermon about our God being the God of the Resurrection. How God delights in bringing dead things back to life. sounds like your standard Easter sermon, correct? Except that it wasn't Easter, it was closer to Christmas. And the sermon wasn't about physical death or spiritual death, it was about the death of dreams.

The pastor [who's name I can't even remember] went on to talk about how if a dream dies, if it is of God it isn't dead forever. He spoke on how God delights in bringing the dead back to life. The dream may die in your heart but if it is of God then it never dies in His heart and in the right moment He will bring it back to life. He continued on to speak about the seed falling to the ground. How the seed needs to die and split for it to produce life.

It struck me tonight for some reason, a seed on its on is just one seed. one dream. one plan. one life. But when it falls to the ground and dies, and cracks open, a plant grows and that plant produces multiple seeds, multiple dreams, multiple lives. ABUNDANCE.

This is only accomplished through the seed dying.

as in the natural, so it often is in the spiritual.

No it doesn't make logical sense, but then again God's logic defies our own. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. . . BUT He is still God, He knows the beginning from the end, He is above time . . . and I am confident that He knows best. Mourn the passing of a dream, desire, goal etc. Its normal to mourn in the face of loss. Let Him comfort as you mourn . . . but even in the midst of mourning, don't loose hope, for you never know what dreams are still alive in God's heart, even if they appear dead and buried in your life.

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