I have to confess, I LOVE LOGIC!
I am addicted to Logic.
If there was such a thing as a logic nerd, that would be me.
I have a knack for looking at some situations and seeing how truly illogical they are, and for problem solving other people's issue with good logic. . . now that doesn't mean I necessarily have a talent at applying the same logic to my own life, but perhaps that is a topic for another day. *cringe*
In South Africa we have a logo that is attached to things that are made in South Africa or originate in South Africa. The label says "Proudly South African." This will give you an example of the way my brain works in the area of logic.
There are two brands in particular that I can think of off the top of my head [many more if I took some time to consider it]. But they defy logic in the area of advertising. Both brands are "proudly South African," The one is a franchise of restaurants who's entire decor and them is based around American Indian, yet are proudly South African. The other is a condiment that is also proud South Africa yet made the traditional french way.
Go Figure.
No logic there whatsoever.
Then there are the occasional people who defy logic. I have heard of/seen or encountered at least 3 in the last 24 hours.
The person who lay their bicycle flat on the ground in line with my reversing car. In my car's blindspot. They saw me reversing, and still lay the bicycle flat on the ground behind me. Thankfully they had a moment when logic reappeared, followed by them exercising the vocal chords and arm muscles as they shouted and waved their arms at me in desperation.
Another person, proudly taking diet supplements [not the good kind either - first problem in this story]. Comes home having eaten two burgers and fries on their way home from work, deposits the empty containers in the bin. sits for less than half an hour before getting up and dishing up a full portion of dinner. That's two full meals in under 2 hours. . . one of which was not a health meal . . . yet still hoping the diet pills will work . . . somehow I don't think those pills will be as effective as one hopes. its illogical to pop a diet pill and chase it down with 2 big burgers. [or so i think]
Illogical number 3. a person moaning on social media about a snatch and grab. This person was driving down the road talking on their cellphone with their window open. Let me point out a few facts. This particular road has always been known as a hot spot for theft. It is also currently under construction, and has been for over a year. This construction has caused traffic to move at a snails pace or come to a complete stop frequently, and has thus made it an even easier crime area. One that is frequently warned against. It is also illegal to talk on your phone while driving, unless using a hands free kit. so if the phone is to your ear, and the window is down while driving in a known crime area, there is a strong chance it will be taken off of you. I do have sympathy for the victim, of course, it is traumatic to go through any type of crime. . . but i beg to ask where the wisdom was in the situation? and also the logic . . . to complain about a crime that occurred whilst you were also breaking the law?
I am not judging, because as I already mentioned I too have moments where logic is not strong evident in my own life. It is almost a daily occurrence. Welcome to the human race. But i realized that when we have those weak moments where logic evades us, we can be grateful for a fail safe. . . because God promises to give wisdom to those who ask, without finding fault. James 1: 5
I can hear myself exhale loudly at that ... THANK GOD....there is hope for me. all we have to do is ask.
Also I realized that as much of a strength logic can be, it can also be a curse. . . because it causes me to hunger to understand and devour details and dissect them and over analyse. . . and i do truly need to take a moment and remember that i am not called to understand everything, sometimes i am simply called to obey, and to trust in the One who does know everything, including the beginning from the end. To make peace with the fact that because His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts, most of the time it is going to seem illogical to me. [Isaiah 55]
So there you are then; all very logical!