Saturday, July 7, 2018

shake the box a little more

Going on from yesterday's blog and my annoyance with being boxed and labelled, I thought I might continue with the theme and keep shaking at the box. Before I do I have going to take a moment to speak Christianese [no its not a real language] and add a reflection in from my Christian culture. Be careful as you shake the might tree for you do not know what fruit will be flung down at thee.....

Quite proud of my made up Christianese limerick. So yesterday I was whining about lack of follow through. Seriously it gets my goat, makes my blood boil. I am a words person, through and through and often analyse what is said. But all of that can be negated in a second by lack of follow through.

I was watching the episode of a popular [older] sitcom and the theme song has words like, "I'll be there for you when the rain starts to fall" etc etc. very sweet and warm. and many times in life we mirror the sentiments of the words to that song, verbally . . . but then when push comes to shove ....nudda. and our words are negated.

We promise that we are just a text message away or a phone call away if we are needed but then either we don't respond to the message, or we respond and thing our response is sufficient enough or we respond and are too busy to do anything. or we respond and make plans but double book them. or we respond ...but 2 years after the fact. This is how life rolls. it shouldn't. but it does. No the works of service guys are all a mess because there are no works.  The gift guys are a mess cause there is no follow through and they arent getting gifts to affirm them. And the words guys are a mess cause the ever important words appear false because they are negated.

Then, lets be honest, we become more of a mess because someone else pricks at the skin of our heart, something that doesnt fit the boxes we were told our love language or personality type is. Then we are not just a mess but also confused cause we don't fit into a box.

I read an interesting quote recently...

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Imagine. This is something I want to explore more because I think our desire for boxes to fit into, is to wall us in and protect us not help us find our identity. I believe we put God in certain boxes for the same reason. I believe we lack intimacy and instead of allowing it to be created and deepens in the hard times both with God and others, we use our love language/personality/giftings/boxes to fix things but only end up breaking them more, because we are not offering ourselves, our hearts.

more thoughts on this ....soon

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