Saturday, July 21, 2018

But first ...Let me take a selfie.

Nope, this is not a blog about the pros or cons of selfie taking, nor the trick to finding the right angle. It is about random occurrences that flitted across my life path yesterday, completely unexpected.

I wanted some down time, the sun was out, so I went down town, to our beach front area. It's where I like to exhale. Despite it being winter, it was a balmy 24 degrees Celcius by the beach, the ocean was still relatively warm enough to swim and there was just a light breeze. Perfection.

As per normal I first went to the aquarium to say hello to all day fishies, and give my shark a kiss hello.
I have an annual pass, so I can go into the aquarium and waterpark section as often as I like. It's great.
I think this little fellow recognised me because he made a bee line straight for me.
So after chilling with the fishies and author marine life, I decide to wander back up to the surface and go enjoy the winter sun on the beach. First plan of action a stroll in the shoreline with the waves breaking over my feet. This is where it all began. 3 young guys [buy young I meant at lest 15 to 20 yrs younger than me] come jogging up to me as I'm strolling and ask if they can each take a selfie with me. I politely decline and pick up my pace a bit as I walk away. all the time in my mind thinking, "well that's odd. Never had that before".  I walked 500m along before turning and walking back... after my 1km stroll I decide to stretch out in the sun for a bit. Another youth comes along and says, "excuse me ....please can I take a selfie with you?" Again I decline. A few minutes later a third youth comes along, this one had a strong personality type. She plopped next to me on my beach towel, lifted my hand with my phone up and started singing, "Selfie selfie, please take a selfie with me." given no option, i gave in. I still dont even know her name because once shed accomplished her task of having a selfie with me she simply said thank you and carried on with her day.

Never under estimate the randomness that could cross your path at any second.  Another random act that happened was someone trying to convert me to become Mennonite because I looked like I had a pure soul. Now I will be honest, I have studied a lot about Mennonite culture but did not realise that there was a big following here in South Africa.

This week I also learnt that if you want someone to stop messing with you, and taking advantage of you, and if you have just cause....sometimes you have to threaten legal action and get hold of the boss of bosses. It is amazing how much more quickly and efficiently you can resolve an issue that is been lingering and dawdling about. I am women hear me roar.....ha ha ha ha ha. 

One more day of week ...YAY...and Durban winter is showing off again. Yes up the hill from Durban [where I now live] can get very cold, but our cold days are few and far between. On the whole we have great mild winters. And the closer you are to Durban itself the better, as the ocean stays warm and thus helps keep the city warm.

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