Wednesday, June 22, 2016

What are the chances??? [part 1]

Nope I hadn't skipped a day or forgotten to blog, i just chose to leave it until evening time. Last night i went to art lessons, which means a later than normal night, so i know my Wednesday's don't usually start as well as my other days and i chose not to add the pressure of squeezing in a blog before work. [i know i sound all mature and responsible. . . age does that to a person from time to time].

The other day, i suffered a dog bite,a relatively bad one. It didn't need stitches but a month later the muscle is still bruised and sore, and there is still a hard lump where it is healing. Thankfully it never got infected either. But as the dog ripped through my jeans into my calf muscle i remember thinking to myself, "What are the chances that this would happen?"

I am sure many people have had the same thoughts in both good and bad circumstances. "wow! i never saw this coming?" "how did this happen to me?" "what are the chances"

I can honestly say that i was confident and convinced in my subconscious that i would never be bitten by a dog in my lifetime.  I have stared down many big dogs until they ran away.  One of my dogs that i rescued in Albania, a fiery provoking brat of a dog, would provoke big street dogs when we were out walking. She was a clever dog, she would stand between my legs and then growl and bark at the big dogs, using me as her shield. Every time i fearlessly scolded and stared down those dogs till they walked away. I walked fearlessly in the streets never worrying about other street dogs, not even at night. So i was totally surprised at this event, even more surprised that it occurred with a dog that knew me. My reality tilted and my mind mused, "i  never thought that this would happen."

That alone had the wheels of my brain turning about how many other things have happened in my life that i never thought would happen. so the next few blogs will probably fumble their way around this topic.

it made me remember a time many many many years ago, in my late teens. We were in homegroup/small group/whatever your church calls it. The leader encouraged us to write a list of things we were trusting God to do or wanting to see happen in following 5 years. He encouraged us to really stretch our faith and write some crazy seemingly impossible ideas. We did it, and can i tell you 5 years later all but one had been fulfilled.

When i say crazy some of it was really out there, and a bit random, for example
- i dreamed of going to America. I was waitressing, putting myself through bible college, desperately praying to financially make ends meet. Financially America was a pipe-dream, one that seemed likely to only be accomplished decades later - if at all. Also to try and get a visa etc, it was all impossible. . . except that it wasnt. somehow less than 3 years after writing the list i was on a plane to America to spend many months living in California.
- With that came the fulfillment of another dream, a super random, selfish dream . . . i wanted to go to Disneyland. if you don't live in a country with its own Disneyland, you might not realize how big a dream this really is. . . and yet it too got fulfilled. . . .and if that wasn't enough. . . being in America fulfilled yet another dream . . .
- i wanted to act in a movie. *blush* . True Story. but i did. and honestly, and truly thought this was a dream that would never be fulfilled in my lifetime. . . through a series of random co-incidences - I was visiting people, i had never met before then,[truthfully who's names i don't remember] in a church in a different part of California to where i was staying. At the same time some people [not from America]  unexpectedly stopped by for coffee, they happened to be needing people for a Christian film that they were filming and all the dots connected and i was used in a film being shot in California by People from Holland, a film that would be used for Evangelism in many other countries.


Those random dreams, where important in my heart, and God, who delights in every single detail of our lives, took note, and worked a way, in His plan to fulfill them. Yes it was a delight to see them fulfilled but more than that, it built my faith in Him, and how He truly can do the impossible.

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