I hate moles. . . there is not a lot I detest, but I love my garden and that automatically makes me hate not just the destruction that moles bring but i actually HATE moles.
I am generally an animal lover, but moles bring out another unredeemed side of me. Unfortunately we have more than one mole in our garden, causing constant havoc. You know what i hate more than a live mole. . . a dead one, that your cat has hidden in your laundry basket amidst your clothes, at least a week ago by the smell of it. . . true story. . . even more reason to hate moles, and be angry at my cat. almost made me want to remind people that cats are the only domestic animal not mentioned in the bible. . . is it because they are too possibly too evil to even be written about in the bible... just a thought... i'll stop on that theory right there... cause truthfully i somehow love my cat, even when he brings me unwanted gifts....
I have no wandered far off from my original topic, where was i . . . Yes, i remember....I HATE MOLES!
Last night, it was a late night, as i take art lessons after work. I came home, was just getting comfi in my bed and closing my eyes when i hear this noise. I immediately shout at the cat, convinced that my cat has brought in a lizard or caught a gecko and is playing with it. The noise continues, i shout at the cat again, irritated because i want to sleep. the noise still continues and i realize that i dont hear my cat's bell. i get up, switch on the lights and sure enough there is a mole running around my bedroom floor!!!!!
is nothing sacred anymore?!?!?!?! that is my bedroom, my place of rest. . . its bad enough that the thing is ruining my outside sanctuary, what is it doing in my house!!! Truthfully if you see the step up to my house, and the closed doors, we know that the only way that mole got in was if my cat brought it in. [and yet i still love my cat].
One of the hardest things you will ever do, is try catch a mole. They are super speedy and wriggling and squiggly. if you do manage to catch a mole, good luck holding it, its near impossible. Of course in the midst of all of that, you can guarantee that the mole pees on your hand. its just a given.
It took me almost an hour to catch the mole and successfully hold it long enough to get the door open, hoping to be able to throw it into a neighbors garden. [shhhh i wont tell if you dont], but the thing dropped out my hands and scuttled into my newly planted flowerbed! "GRRRRRRRR!" i say, "GRRRRRR!"
the gardener had been around to cut the grass today, and had nicely flattened all the mounds of sand the moles push up. By the time i got home from work there were 5 new mole hills in my freshly cut lawn. really big ugly things, sticking out. and lets not talk about how often i am walking in my garden only to fall because the earth gives away underneath me where a secret mole tunnel runs.
The reality is usually the mole is there and active in his underground dark tunnels long before you see the mounds of sand, when he/she decides to surface. This reminded me a bit of us. There are things in our hearts, good and bad. We often dont know they are there until something causes them to surface. They can be shifting in our hearts and moving about without anything showing on the surface, but eventually it will surface, it has to.
Our hearts are not hidden from God. He knows them better than we do. He often orchestrates things to cause the "moles" to surface.. . so that we can see what is hidden, but He always does it for our benefit. Are we willing to let things be exposed? and when He exposes them, do we grumble and moan, or are we grateful that HE cares enough to be involved in our lives, fully motivated by perfect love?
PS anyone want a cat?
My grandpa used to hook a hose up to his exhaust pipe on his car and feed it into the mole hills. Let the car run a little while, and well...