You see, the story line was exactly the same as a story line I had created in my mind 2 weeks ago. What are the chances? Quite high actually, but more on that later. I really want to work more on my writing. I have one story that is almost finished, but I am also exploring ideas for new stories. So I have been sitting and brain storming a few ideas. When I watched last nights movie and the storyline was the same, I wondered if I had seen the movie before, and if that had inspired my story line.. But I had never seen this movie before. It just so turned out that myself and the script writer had the exact same idea, years apart. They unfortunately had their idea first, and instead of it being a book, it became a movie. So that will be one story that will be on my scrap pile, one story that I wont be writing.
Honestly the chances of this is very high. The truth is that there is nothing new under the sun. No matter how brilliant we are, or think we are. No matter how creative we are. No matter how much imagination we have. No amount of money or influence or genius will ever allow us as human beings to create something new. God alone is the creator, so that function, that role has already been taken. But beyond that, the bible even tells us that there is nothing new under the sun. [Ecc 1:9]
So does that mean we hang up our hats and just give up. On the contrary, instead we need to find the thing that sets us apart. The thing that makes our story, our song, our art, our invention, our medical discovery apart. The thing that takes it and infuses it with the power to bring life, hope, change. The thing that sets it apart.
We need to find inspiration!
I will never forget when I had the idea for my first novel. I was sitting on the stairs in Albania, enjoying some spring sunshine whilst cherry blossoms danced in a breeze when out of nowhere my mind was assaulted with this image and story line that haunted me for days. It even haunted my sleep. I tried to ignore it but it stuck with me, for years before one day I sat down and it literally poured out of me. It was true inspiration, not pre-meditated or work shopped. It was an idea that formed in my brain in completion in an instant. It was like God dropped a pearl into my mind and would not let me forget about it until I did something with it.
What is inspiration.
Some dictionary definitions define inspiration as:
- a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation
- the act of influencing or suggesting opinions
- someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something
- immediate influence of God or a god
- to inspire - or breath in
One writer puts it this way, "to be in the flow or zone. In-Spirit-tation. To be in the Spirit."
We need those God inspired ideas. We need to be hearing his thoughts and ideas. That is what sets it apart. This is the thing that will cause what we "create" to have life.
The word inspiration also comes from the noun to inspire. Which means to breathe in. Think about when God created man, what did he do? He breathed life into them. Inspired. Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit into his disciples. God is ready and waiting to inspire, to breath life into you, to infuse you with creativity and ideas. You need to take time to meet with him, and breath it in, soak it in and from that point you can create something that is not just carbon copied and lifeless.
Your idea might not be new [realistically it cant be a new idea] but under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it will be good. Whenever God creates He looks at his creation and says it is good, and His creation always reflects Him and His goodness. No matter how great you are, and how great your idea is, it is nothing without Him, without God. The thing that will set you apart is Him, God.
It doesn't absolve you from your part in the process just because God inspired you. You still have to put the work in. God was not going to actually write the book for me, and he waited years for me to do my part.. But the plus side is God will give you the grace, ability and anointing to accomplish it so that He is infused in every part of it, so that life can be brought forth and lives can be touched.
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