Monday, October 3, 2016

Sin Seduction Solitude

This is going to be a bit of a random blog, but it occurred to me yesterday while driving to work...

Sin does not like Solitude.

Sinners don't want to be the only ones sinning.

I drive a very busy highway/ main road to work, it is up a hill with sharp bends, and thus for safety has a lower speed limit than your average highway/freeway. It is a road that has accidents on it almost daily, if not more often. What amazes me each day is how many people still drive like they bought their licence online. They are reckless, careless and breaking the law. . . but what surprises me even more is how impatient they get with the ones keeping the law.

You can happily be doing the speed limit, and they will come and drive right up the back of your car and flash their lights and gesture for you to move over so they can speed past. They will continue swerve behind you and try push you out. and if you don't move and they find a gap to go past you, they usually swear at you as they go by.

It's an intriguing reaction. How many of us would swear at someone for keeping the law? Suprisingly quite a few people. I realised a simple truth in watching their antics behind me. They are trying to draw me in. not consciously. But they are bullying me, wanting me speed up past the limit, to be the same as them. They are intimidating me, wanting me to move over and let them fly past like they are right and I was wrong. They are egging me on wanting me to loose my temper, and get angry or swear back or become negative and offended. They are wanting me to join them, in some way, in their sin.

Sinners don't want to be the only ones sinning. Sin has a strategic seduction strategy to suck you into its game, in whatever way it can. . . but you choose to step inside or stand strong. Right from the very beginning it is how it happened. Yes Adam and Eve were standing next to each other when the snake brought his sinful seduction. But Eve drew Adam in. . . she didn't want to sin alone.

When we sin alone we loose the ability to point fingers, shrug off the blame, take responsibility. We find our excuse and our justifications so that we don't have to change. It makes us feel like what we are doing is not so bad because everyone is doing it. Or sometimes we get an even bigger reaction that we hoped for, and the person we were [subconsciously - though sometimes in more deliberate greater sins, consciously] drawing into sin commits a sin far worse than ours.

The standards dont change, regardless of the situation. Sin is defined in the word of God, not by how many are doing the same thing. Be alert, its a strategic game. Its trained in the art of being subtle and sly. And if you think you are better than that, perhaps you are already in the sin of pride pr judgement.

Watch your life and doctrine closely. Guard your heart. Be sure that sin, is a common temptation and its all around us. And as much as sinners don't like solitude, and sin wants a partner. . . once it sucks you in, it will isolate you from God and friends and lock you in a prison of self-hatred and solitude from the ones who love you.

there is always good news though.....
1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

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