Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Born To Speak the Truth

I have this little badge that i keep, on it is a simple phrase, "Born To Speak The Truth".
I love truth, I hate lies and injustice.
I love truth. I love seeking out truth and digging deep for it. I love defending it. I love sharing it. I am passionate about truth.
Sometimes my need or desire to speak the truth is not always well received, partly because I can get quite ...um....passionate. . . . combine this with a confrontational character and it doesn't always go down well.

But just this weekend I realised that there might be another reason the Truth that I speak is not always well received.

I had one of those conversations. You know those rare gems. A moment when you are just chilling, chatting to a friend and suddenly you can tangibly feel the presence of God as words of wisdom and encouragement are shared. A conversation that is the catalyst to instant change in your life. A truly annointed conversation.

I can honestly say that I walked away changed from that conversation, and having experienced a measure of break through in an instant, that I had been longing for years to see. So what made this conversation different. [and lets be honest, these conversations are rare in our lives.]

Was it the fact that truth was being spoken to me? and not just any truth but truth based on the Word of God?  I have had many conversation centered around the Word, and listened to many sermons but not all have left me changed. . . .but why not?

Was it because the conversation was anointed? I mean, i could tangibly feel the presence of God? Honestly I have had many conversations and counselling sessions where the person was anointed by God and yet I walked away unchanged. I mean these others, there was no doubt about the anointing being there. There was no doubt about truth being spoken. But I either left unchanged or I had to fight really hard to embrace, accept and apply what was being said.

Yet one simple conversation between two friends, and in an instant things shifted. I realised a key that I have never fully understood before, though it has been staring me in the face for years. . .

Scriptures tells us in Ephesians 4:15 to speak the truth in love.  I believe this is a vital ingredient. I believe this is the ingredient that helps us receptive to the truth and the anointing.

You see, this friend that I was talking to, we have a good, long standing godly friendship that has been established over the years. There is a connection there, and I know them well enough to know that they have my best interest at heart. So I know that when they share truth, even if it is hard truth or convicting truth...even in those things... I know this person's heart and therefore I am open to hear it.

I think this is the difference. . . I think often as Christians we speak truth to convict or share an opinion and its void of love, therefore it just becomes a clanging symbol, resounding Gong!!! a non fruit producing blurb.

I think sometimes we try hard and we try to speak the truth with love. Our zeal is strong, and we sincerely want to make sure it sounds like we have the love of Christ. we really want it to be behind our words, but its not quite there.

Speaking truth in love comes from a different place, a place of relationship. We see it time and time again through out scripture . . . relationship is key. its not just about well worded phrases dripping with "love" cliches but no heart. . . we need to actually LOVE.  I am sure that is why Jesus could hand out some heavy rebukes to his disciples like "Get behind me satan", and yet they remained faithful to him and walked into restoration. Because as harsh as the words were, they knew where they stood with Jesus, because they were in relationship. This opened the door for them to speak freely.  To be able to bring truth, even the hard truth. To be able to know how to bring truth etc.

I encourage you all, dont be like me . . . dont be running around just speaking the truth because you see a need for it to be spoken . . . even if you lace the sentence with a reminder of how much you love the person..... Speak it in love.....truly in love....  and let it be more than words, your lifestyle needs to reflect your heart too.... i love how Ephesians 4:15 is written in the amplified bible.
But speaking the truth in love [in all things—both our speech and our lives expressing His truth], let us grow up in all things into Him [following His example] who is the Head—Christ

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