Saturday, April 2, 2016

Warning : catnip can cause reddening of the cheeks...

Where to even begin? I have sat all day, wondering how to kick this off again? How do I start blogging again? There are so many thoughts in my mind, most too intense for what is technically a first conversation/blog. But I was void of anything light and humorous to write about.

Thankfully life never disappoints in the area of humor and embarrassment.

I was pottering around the garden this afternoon. As usual my clingy cat was underfoot and trying to be involved in everything I was doing. I stopped by the catnip that I had pruned and was drying out and started removing the dry leaves, to crush them and prepare them to stuff into my cat's toys. Yes, I am a crazy cat lady. Unfortunately my sinus's do NOT like catnip and I was getting a major sinus headache as I was busy. I stared down at my cat and loudly exclaimed, “Hmm boy I sure do love you!”. Now whether that was a guilt trip stated to make my cat know how much I was sacrificing on his behalf. Or a catnip induced declaration of affection. I am not sure what prompted my outburst. Unfortunately I didn't realize that there was a man pruning trees right next door to me. He popped his head over the wall and said, “are you talking to me?” I blushed. And stammered, while hoping the earth would open up and swallow me.... but finally I managed to get the words out, “no, I was talking to my cat,” He looks over the wall and says, “what cat?”. Sure enough my cat had disappeared at the most inconvenient time.

* Cringe *

so that was my afternoon. Needless to say I finished doing what I was doing as quickly as possibly and hid the remainder of my afternoon indoors.

I realized I have been back in South Africa 2 years already, in many areas life has settled, but in so many areas I feel like life is still in limbo. My writing unfortunately has been an area I've neglected. To encourage myself in this area I am re-designing my blog. Renaming it “Crimson Hope”. I invite you to follow me. Sometimes it will be random. Sometimes it will be intense. Sometimes it will be silly. Sometimes it will be profound. I guarantee it will always be real, and honest. So welcome to my world, my thoughts. . . my words.

Until next time . . . stay away from the catnip


  1. Th things we do for our cats. Looking forward to your future blogs

  2. Great to read your blog again xxx

  3. So glad you are back to blogging.
