Nope, again, not a typo. . . I did not mean to write cake and mistakenly wrote fake . . . in fact if you truly knew me, you would know that cake is not big in my life. My mom used to have to make fake cake for my birthday parties, otherwise known as ice-cream cake. Real cake, is not something I really enjoy. . . ironic because I really enjoy baking.
And for those who don't really know me, now you know a little bit more about me. . . no where was I? Oh, YES!
I had two bad experiences over the Easter weekend. The first was on Good Friday, I went out, after church with a friend in search of breakfast. We entered a shopping mall not in our normal area and where shocked to notice that 5 restaurants served Macon. Come on! There is no faking when it comes to Bacon. Just say no to Macon. This has nothing to do with religion, in this instance....I don't like the taste of Macon because I have had the real thing before. So I can't tolerate a fake. Thankfully we managed to find a restaurant that did serve bacon, after irritating 5 different restaurants' staff by walking out. And all was well in my world again.
Then later on in the weekend I was watching one of my favorite tv shows, and they based a character in the show on a South African. It has the be the worst fake South African accent that I have ever heard. It was so bad, so fake that it almost made my ears bleed. I was horrified, in fact I still don't think that I have quite recovered yet. There is nothing worse than something butchering your own accent with a bad fake.
Fake is False and therefore it is deceitful. It is not true, nor correct. It is erroneous. Now we can laugh about the funny fake experiences we encounter, like mine over the weekend, but how much of our lives are we presenting a false us?
I know that I often do it at work, and then justify it with the word "professionalism" but honestly sometimes I am faking it. Fake becomes normal in our world as we desperately try to defend ourselves, or protect ourselves. But as Christians, we are not called to walk in deceit, so where do we draw the line?
Truthfully this is a new thought for me, one that I want to explore further, but one thing that I can take heart in, is this. . . there is no deceitfulness in my God, nothing false can be found in Him . . . He is the real deal. So while we are learning to cut the fake out of our lives, lets keep pushing in to know him more, so that we can become more like him.
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