Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Art of The Matter

Nope you didn't read wrong . . . I would like to take a moment to talk about The Art of The Matter ....or maybe I should says, The Matter of Art.

Now by Art, I don't mean a fixed term limited to someone who can sketch or paint, I really am talking about all forms of CREATIVITY.

Again, don't get stuck in a box with a definition of what CREATIVITY is or isn't because one of its key factors is that CREATIVITY is not stuck in a box!!!

I have shared this story more times than I can count. It is long-winded, spanning more than 15 years....and in fact is still continuing. Let me re-share it, but in a shorter form.

The year: 1997.
The place: Durban South Africa
Girl [that would be me] is introduced to an epic concept of art/drama/creativity/music combined in spreading the gospel. cue No Longer Music's video and book.

Girl has vision of art center. A LITERAL VISION!

Girl panics, at the size of vision. No doors open. Girl shelves vision and continues with life.

The year: 2012.
The place: Elbasan, Albania.
Girl randomly remembers long lost art vision.
Girl is approached by local artist, who whilst praying was shown her name to join in a vision he had.
The vision was identical to the girl's vision.
Girl agrees.
Girl packs her bag and returns to South Africa for first visit in over 4 years. Her only visit home, in all her years full time on the mission field in Albania.

The year: 2012.
The place: Durban, South Africa.
Girl experiences random coincidence.
Girl meets a South African who has ministered in Kosovo [bordering Albania] with an American who has same art vision but is 3 years ahead of the game, in the same culture. Girl obtains contact details.
Girl packs bag and heads back to Albania.

The Year: 2012-2014
The Place: Elbasan, Albania [with a few visits to Kosovo]
Girl and American meet. Similar vision shared. Much help given in starting an arts ministry. Great insight gained from the American's experience and knowledge. Events organised, including one that hosted No Longer Music.

The end. 

No! Wait a moment! It is far from the end. I am back in South Africa, and still connecting with many people with similar vision and heart for what God can and does do through creativity and creative ministry. The End is a long way away, and I know one day that I will be back full time in this type of field, somewhere on this earth.

Now many of you might be wondering what the point of all of this was???

Well....keep reading....

As I have said, I am a firm believer in the power of Creativity. Obviously I am an even firmer believer in what God can do in and through creativity. If you look both in the "secular" world and the "christian" world, you will see many great examples of this. Art is used in counseling the traumatized, helping to bring physical rehabilitation. It's a good way to release stress. Music can help us mourn or help us celebrate. where ever you look in life there is Art, from the colour we paint our walls in our houses to the trees we drive past on the way to work. There is not a place or space void of some form of creativity that you live life in.

Now when that Creativity is infused with the power of the Creator, imagine what possible results there could be? Because ultimately God alone can create, and ultimately God created creativity, so when the very source, the very life breath of all that is, infuses and oozes out of our creativity and into our lives, it creates a God spaced atmosphere for the impossible. A place to connect with our CREATOR!

I believe creativity is crucial because it is something that ministers directly to the soul of a person. It can bypass out logical arguments and hit our emotional nerve center. I believe God has designed it for this, but also for us to enjoy. Think of the delight you feel when you do something you love, or listen to your favorite artist etc. God knows that our souls will get weary in a world fraught with anguish... He's given us glimpses of beauty and hope and joy for our souls, through creativity.

It is something that I am passionate about, and just because I am not currently on the field, full time in the creative ministry capacity does not mean that I am not involved. One of the ways that I am involved is by creating awareness of others who are doing this type of ministry.

For eg, The American mentioned in my story. As I said, it was a God ordained connection that God took 15 years behind the scenes connecting the dots together. But through that connection I gained a wealth of knowledge and a good friend. I have watched this man go through many trials and tribulations, and yet remain faithful. He is now embarking on the next step, the next Act in his own play of life. He is moving to Colorado, after many years of patiently waiting for this door to open, to begin yet another arts ministry.

So I ask that you take a moment to view his video, and consider if there is any way you can be involved. Whether it is to pray for his ministry, drop him a word of encouragement, support him financially or simply share his video to encourage others in their creative pursuit of God. So without further delay.... go and have a look see what all this is about, just click on the link below.

Colorado Art Ministry

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