Monday, February 27, 2017

Bringing Colour Back

At church yesterday, as the preacher was winding down, they made an interesting side comment... which truthfully hit me more than the entire sermon [and had nothing to do with the sermon].

The were talking about survivors, and how their life becomes black and white. [not black and white as in wrong or right... but as in lacking in colour]. And how God wants us to be a palette ...How He wants to restore colour to our lives.



Take a Moment.

Think about this.

I remember decades ago, someone once described me as "effervescent."  At the time I laughed, I was so insecure and broken that I felt more like a wallflower than "effervescent".
But then life moved forward, and I got chewed up and beaten up and spat out. and it took all my energy to just get up and face the day. PTSD and anxiety was a war I was waging against, after spending many years on the ministry front line in a war of another kind. . . and honestly when you are surviving things, beauty and joy and colour are usually the last things on your mind, and you don't have energy to pursue them. Life and colour does drain out of you leaving just the basic [black and white] structure holding you together. . .

But restoration always comes, when the Creator, The Restorer, the Great artist, God...and He gently starts to dust you off and hold you close and ooze colour back into your life. . .isn't that a beautiful thing? Take a moment, and get into the presence of God and let Him ooze back some colour, some life into the broken barrenness that life has left you with.

it stirred me enough to warrant a quick mixed medium piece of work that i started working on tonight....

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