Monday, June 17, 2013

Little Miss Sunshine - a tribute to my daddy

My internet sadly wasnt working on Sunday for Father's day.... so this post is a few days late.... but i really want to take a moment to proudly and unashamedly declare that i am a Daddy's girl.... through and through.

YES! i might be 33 . . . but i can honestly tell you that as each day, week, month, year go by . . . i become more and more a daddy's girl.... he has me wrapped around his little finger. [though i think my mom might say its the other way around.]

My dad and i have not always seen eye to eye or held the same beliefs or opinions... but one thing i can always rely on is his support. . . 100%! i know my dad has my back. i never have to doubt it. i am so grateful because many times i am embarking on what appear to be crazy notions, like giving up a job to go to bible college or packing my bags to move to a  foreign nation and even if things go south, i dont get a  "i told you so" ... i get a shoulder to lean on.

of course he will always share his honest opinion . . . but he always loves me and is there as a support. through him i start to see and understand more of God's heart as a father. . . No  my dad is not perfect BUT he is my hero and he has my heart. 

He does admit that he might have set the bar a bit high for whoever my future husband is, and asked me to make peace with the fact that they wont measure up to him . . . but i am not scared cause i can always send them to him for training.... ha ha ha.

Daddy . . . the road wasnt always easy, we werent always close... but over the years we have forged a strong bond which i wouldnt exchange for the world. . . from dancing together at my Matric Dance, to dancing together in the kitchen the one time i was sick, while you sang to me. [yes i was in my 20's already but you are never too old to dance with your daddy] . . . to the sweet gestures, literally, like the occasional chocolate left on my pillow case.... to encouraging me to keep on keeping on when things get tough as i follow my dreams.... to giving me advice on what you would want for me in a husband. . . and so many more memories... for the laughter and hugs.... and the crazy blue hat of yours which is as much a part of the family and all our memories as we are.... for always calling me your sunshine!
thank you! thank you! thank you! i love you.... here's to many more memories together!

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