I've been quiet on the blog scene, and in life in general, because I really haven't had much to say. Well that's not entirely true. I had a lot to say but none of it was positive or nice.
This morning however, in my usual Saturday mindful musing, I had a thought occur. I was musing over a truly miraculous scenario that occurred in my life. It took 17 years to see it come through, involved people and nations [like many of them] and a string of rare coincidences that no man could possibly orchestrate... ironically it had very little to do with me. God gave me a dream and 17 years later once it was long forgotten, he flicked a switch and all the hidden connections he'd been laying in the background sprung into life and it all fell into place. Down to the most minute details possible. I will always be in awe of this, and often use it to encourage myself and others in their faith and calling in God. . .
So whilst sitting bolstering my faith by reminiscing over this great miracle a thought occurred to me, "WHAT IF it wasn't about my calling, or my faith or the dreams and visions God had given me....what if all of what God did was so that I could meet you?"
Who the YOU is, is irrelevant to the readers. But this thought stunned me for a moment. Literally silenced me. It tilted my view on a situation I share so often. What if it was more about a person, a relationship than a calling or a dream?
We preach and teach endlessly about how Christianity is about relationship, first with God then with man. But today made me realise we don't always live like we believe it. How different would life look if relationship and loving God and each other was truly the priority. If the YOU was truly the reason.
Would we be less busy? Would we put down the vacuum to meet that friend for a coffee? Would we treat each other differently? Would we see God and His love touch in the trauma, instead of fighting against Him asking why? Would we maintain friendships we've built even if they wont carry our churches brand name? Would we see the important in the moment, in the "meeting" of a person, even if its just in passing?
What if it was about YOU more than it was about what you do?