these children are all from poor families, some of their parents do not hold jobs at all. we have some children who are classified as street children. Their parents send them on the streets to beg for money. they are required to make a minimum of 500 lek a day [about $5] or else they either dont go home or their parents beat them. one of these boys is only 8 yrs old and i have even met him, alone on the streets close to midnight.
the other section of boys in this group do attend school but because their families are so poor,the children often spend all their time after school hanging out in the park or on the streets.
i would like to share some photos of this project and how it started. . . i trust it encourages you all.
it all started through friendship. my flatmate and i would take our dogs to the park and let the children play with them.
Sometimes we would just spend time with them, other times if we could afford it we would buy them something to eat.
They started coming to church about a year after working on friendships with them. at first they came for the free biscuits and tea before church.
and for some hand outs we gave them... but soon they started staying for the services. and soon even more started attending and we realized we needed to start a project for them.
Our first official meeting had only 5 children. but within 3 weeks we have grown to an average of 16 children. We have had more than 30 children pass through at least once.
We teach them basic life skills, including hygiene. [washing hands and face, and brushing teeth before the meetings.... thanks to YWAM Elbasan for the donations of individual toiletry bags with toothbrushes etc etc].
There is always time for games and fun!
Worship and singing time.
Bible Story time.
Creative ways to learn memory verses
Meal times are like family times. We all sit together, eat
together and get to know each other better.
Craft and drawing time. many of our children are not
in school and we can teach them basic writing, coloring
and cutting out through craft times.
We have had the privilege of many people helping us out over the last 6 months, and coming in to do special events for our children.
Thanks to World Vision for sending Eli to encourage
the children, as well as for the gifts.
Thanks to the YWAM team for coming to do a puppet
show, songs, facepainting and evangelism.
Thanks to the TACO team for putting on a spectacular
performance that exuded the love and hope we have in
Thanks as well to the "team" who serve and love these children so faithfully.
Drita and her daughter, Sara
Thank you for taking the time to read through all of this. i am so excited to be a part of this project and super excited to see what God has in store for these boys, who were once without hope but now have the possibility of walking in the fullness of God's love.
i never expected befriending a child in the park would lead to all of this... but God knew. even if your actions seem small and insignificant to you, in God's hands they can change lives and destinies.
please keep us in prayer.
all my love